بیستک بوم آتشین | Gel fire starter | Clean Fuel | fire gel | Firelighter Gel | jel yakit | Gel yakit | Gel Fuel | Lighter Gel | Methanol Gel | Bistak Boom Atashin LLC
Gel fire starter : Gel fire starter is a safe fuel used as an alternative for liquid alcohol in various applications. Gelling the alcohol
Gel fire starter , Clean Fuel , fire gel , Firelighter Gel , Gel Fuel , Lighter Gel , jel yakit , Gel yakit ,Methanol Gel , Bistak Boom Atashin LLC
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Lighter Gel

  • ژل آتشزا
  • سوختی پاک
  • الکل ژلاتینی پاکتی یک بار مصرف

Gel Fire Starter (Lighter Gel)


Gel fire starter is a safe fuel used as an alternative for liquid alcohol in various applications. Gelling the alcohol makes it a clean and safe fuel, burning time of which is several times longer than that of alcohol.


In addition to advantages such as being easy to carry, environment friendly, and cost effective, this fuel has a longer burning time, is smokeless and odorless, and can be used anywhere and carried by all means of transportation without any risks.



Lighter Gel (Clean Gel Fuel ) Packaging:


Gel fire starter Sachet

300 CC Gel fire starter

400 CC Gel fire starter

500 CC Gel fire starter

900 CC Gel fire starter

1000 CC Gel fire starter

3000 CC Gel fire starter

5000 CC Gel fire starter

17000 CC Gel fire starter




This product may be used to light coal and charcoal, and to recharge easy open fuel can. It can be used in unexpected events such as flood, earthquake, etc, or when natural gas in unavailable or cannot be used (during trips, mountain climbing, sky resorts, military maneuvers, camping, etc).


Another important feature of this product is the ability of burning on snow, ice, and even water. The fuel keeps burning and produces a very high temperature as long as it is exposed to oxygen. This feature is essentially important in cold countries such as Turkey, Russia, etc. The product is also used in many countries as a nonhazardous firework starter.


Technical Specifications of Lighter Gel:


Thermal value of 5000 cal/lit

Resistant in temperature of ±40° C

Resistant against moisture and humidity

Nonhazardous cargo

Smokeless and odorless

Environment friendly (Clean Fuel)


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Gel Fuel, Lighter Gel, سوخت پاک
Clean Fuel, fire gel, Firelighter Gel, Gel fire starter, Gel Fuel, Lighter Gel, Methanol Gel, methanol gel fuel