بیستک بوم آتشین | clean fuel | fire gel | lighter gel | Gel fire starter | chafing dish fuel | jel yakit | Gel yakit |Gel Fuel Cans | Iranian methanol | Bistak Boom Atashin LLC
Bistak Boom Atashin LLC .. petrochemical industry and clean fuel production
clean fuel , fire gel , lighter gel , Gel fire starter , Gel Fuel Cans ,Methanol ,Methanol Gel ,jel yakit ,Gel yakit ,chafing dish fuel,Iranian methanol , Bistak Boom Atashin
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Petrochemical Industry and Clean Fuel Production

بیستک | بیست تک | آتشین | بیستک بوم آتشین | ژل آتشزا | الکل ژله ای


Do you have a questions?

Please send us your questions through FAQ form

What is gel fuel or clean fuel?

Full information about clean fuel in this section

Our Company Brands ?

We have two brand with differences standard

سوخت پاک و آتش بیستک

Gel Clean Fuel

One of our products is alcohol gel clean fuel (lighter gel). This fuel is made of alcohol and other ingredients mixed as per an exclusive formula.

Bistak Boom Atashin alcohol gel (lighter gel) has same physical characteristics and applications as other products available in the market, but is much different from them in terms of technical and scientific structures, such as burning temperature, durability, resistance against heat and cold, smoke emission, etc.

To make it short, we may say that formulation of Bistak Boom Atashin products is better than that of similar products available in market in terms of quality.

Please experience Bistak Boom Atashin products, compare them with other products, and do let us know your feedback.


____  Importing countries for  our products ____